Fiero Focus Bi-Monthly Magazine Subscription
is $30.00 for a calendar year (January-December)
$35 for Canada & Mexico; $45

Established in 1991 and incorporated in the
state of Illinois in 1994, the Northern Illinois Fiero
Enthusiasts' Fiero Focus Magazine has grown to over 350
subscribers in over 35 states and 3 countries.
Fiero Focus Magazine is published bi-monthly. To date we
have published over 170 issues over a span of more than
27 years.
This publication is one of
the longest running publications by a Fiero organization in
the world!
Fiero Focus Magazine is an award winning magazine that has
received awards through:
Cars Weekly Magazine's Golden Quill Award:
1995, 1999-2017, 2019
Automotive Media Award: Bronze: 2009 Silver:
2003-2006, 2011 Gold: 2007, 2008
Fiero Focus Magazine subscribers
will receive 6 issues per year containing 20 pages of
in-depth, informational articles including:
Fiero tech tips, Fiero history, Sponsor spotlight, new Fiero
product reviews, feature articles, comprehensive Fiero
Price Guide published annually, general Fiero information,
performance upgrades, and much, much more.
Discounts on new
GM parts (no matter where you live) The Fiero Store - The
World's Largest Source of Fieo Parts. Get your FREE part
catalog at FieroStore.com; 800-343-7648 (orders);
860-645-1837 (tech info);
60A Progress Dr., Manchester, CT. NIFE club members will
receive a 5% discount on most NON-GM items in their product
line. Pleae call for specific details. When
ordering from the Fiero Store please let them know you are
an NIFE member - they may ask for your member number so
please have that handy for reference (it is listed by
your mailing address on your latest copy of Fiero Focus
Along with your subscription you will
also receive these great benefits:
A commemorative decal, the opportunity to
purchase merchandise, and FREE entry into Fierorama
(annual Fiero show).
Copyright 2017 NIFE Fierofocus.com
All Rights Reserved.
Privacy Notice: The Northern Illinois Fiero
Enthusiasts will not sell or share your personal address or
contact information with any outside vendors or other third
Your personal information is used only for conducting
club related business by the board members of this club.